All mammals produce milk for their new-born as it is the only source of food for them at the time. This milk is nutrient-rich and, hence, considered as the ideal food for the new-born. Human milk that is produced in the first three to five days after childbirth is called colostrum. It is very important for the new-born as it is full of immunoglobulin A (IgA) that helps in building the intestinal immunity of the infant. Milk protein is believed to have a high biological value as the protein in it helps to build tissues faster and promotes growth. The nutrient composition (protein, fat, and carbohydrates) in milk varies across different breeds of animals. Other than these vital nutrients, milk also comprises of Vitamins (A and B2) and calcium. Infants absorb iron from human milk more effectively than from a cow’s milk. Therefore, it is very important to feed every infant with its mother’s milk. When the infant is 6 months old, solid foods can be introduced. The food should be a combination of milk and cereal and, gradually, fermented milk products such as curd and ghee (clarified butter). In some cases, kids and adults who are lactose intolerant can tolerate fermented milk products.
Pasteurizing and boiling are the best methods to make milk safe for drinking and fermenting, as there are chances of bacterial transmission from udder to milk, thereby causing the most common milk-borne disease such as typhoid, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera, etc.
The quantity and quality of milk produced varies in different breeds of cow. Accordingly, they have been categorized as A1 and A2 milk.
It is better to get a full understanding of the differences between A1 and A2 milk before consuming either.
A1 milk is produced by cows of the western breed (origin) – and it is the most widely consumed variety nowadays. Cows of western origin, for example, Jersey, etc., are fed with grains and oil cakes (the left-over after oil production and soy extracts) and are also injected with hormones in order to produce large quantities of milk to make it commercially viable (hence it is very cheap). The nutrient-ratio of A1 and A2 milk is different. Their composition of lactose, fats, and protein are the major differentiators in the quality of milk in terms of health. When the protein found in A1 milk is broken down by the body, a component called Beta Casmorphine-7(BMC-7) is released which affects the nervous system, causes constipation, allergies, asthma, cough, pancreatic dysfunction, and heart disease, etc.
A2 milk, which was consumed in the olden days by the entire population, is produced by cows of Indian origin. These cows such as the Gir cow, etc., produce very little quantity of milk and, hence, are unable to meet the requirements of an ever-growing population, leading to it being replaced by its A1 milk producing western brethren. As the Indian breed cows eat only green grass, it became difficult to supply A2 milk on a large scale. It is also costlier than A1 because of the maintenance. A2 milk does not release BMC-7 when the protein is broken down and, as it is grass-fed, it has the ability to convert Vitamin K1 present in the grass into Vitamin K2 – something that the ‘human’ intestine is not capable of doing. Also, A2 milk has Omega-3 fatty acids, and natural Vitamin D – which is because cows of Indian origin have a hump on their back that helps them absorb Vitamin D from sunlight and makes their milk more nutritious and, thus, we see that A2 milk promotes better immunity as well.
I want to share something interesting thing that is happening around us and we haven’t even an iota of idea about it. I was sitting beside two people (at our family doctor’s place) who had probably met for the first time. They were engaged in general talk about their respective business. One of them was running the business of cattle feed. What caught my attention was that the said feed was produced from broken biscuits (almost tiny pieces to even the left-over powder) – purchased from all biscuit brands, and then fortified with some synthetic nutrients like fat, protein, etc. The point which shook me was while we are making people aware of the harm caused by sugars from biscuits, bread, and junk food – to try and stop the direct consumption of artificial sugars, indirectly we are consuming sugar through milk produced this way. These are the A1 variety of cows that are being fed with fortified feed. Not only the BMC-7 but also the indirect consumption of sugar is causing/will cause you harm – so, there’s another point to think about.
Night time is the right time for consuming milk
Yes, you heard it right. We need enzymes to digest everything we consume. The milk digesting enzymes are produced post-sunset and, that is the reason night time is the right time to have your milk. Therefore, finishing dinner around sunset (and never later than 1 hour after dusk) has its own benefits. To all those who have had an early dinner and feel hungry at bedtime, here is some good news: you can quell this hunger by having milk one hour before bedtime. Thus, double benefits.
Few tips to enrich the quality of the milk that you consume:
- Add 0.5 tsp of turmeric, a pinch of pepper (it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties) to a 1cup of warm milk. This will help to relieve you from cold and cough.
- Add 0.5 tsp of turmeric, a pinch of pepper, a pinch of cinnamon, 0.5tsp of dried ginger powder to 1 cup of warm milk. This will help to reduce muscle pain, joint pain, headache, etc.
- For kids, you can add – to 1cup of warm milk – 1tbsp of a powder made of all dried fruit mixed (roasted in ghee), and 2-3 pinches of turmeric. In addition, you can also pour some ghee into the milk, it helps to relieve kids of digestion-related issues such as flatulence and constipation.
- Add 1tsp of cacao powder to 1cup warm milk – gives relief from stress and brain-related issues, as cacao is rich in magnesium (which is very important for the proper functioning of the brain and heart). Cacao also soothes the mind and relieves emotional stress.
Little things which may prevent you from availing the benefits of milk consumption:
A little-known fact we aren’t aware of is that milk also contains a number of micro-nutrients other than the known ones (fat, protein, Vitamin D, Omega-3 fats). It also has high amounts of phosphorous. Where it hurts is when most people add jaggery to milk, tea, or sweet dishes that are made of milk and jaggery, etc. to avoid refined sugar consumption. But jaggery also contains high amounts of phosphorous. Well… since too much of anything is harmful, an excess amount of phosphorous too, is. It can lead to electrolyte imbalance by throwing out the calcium from bones. Consuming skimmed milk has become a trend in order to lose weight owing to the prevalent misconception that fat is bad as it leads to weight gain. These varieties of milk undergo several chemical procedures in order to remove the fat present in them. Therefore, by consuming this variety of milk we are devoid of the good fats and Vitamins (A and D), besides the fact that calcium levels get depleted or lost completely.
So, as much as possible, avoid consuming packaged milk. Instead, look for procuring your milk from grass-fed cows – to not only derive the best benefits of milk but also to avoid the harmful effects of consuming the wrong type of milk.
Thank you,
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Dt. Anjali Khandale (M.Sc., Nutrition & Dietetics)
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