Dt. Anjali Khandale (M.Sc., Nutrition & Dietetics)

Dt. Anjali is an honorary dietitian of MyDietGuru who has volunteered to
help us disseminate the message of healthy living through an appropriate
She has 3 years of experience (~ 1 year as a Consultant Nutritionist and
Dietitian at Aarogyaahar) during which she has counseled/handled about 100 clients (covering all lifestyle diseases).


– 2nd Prize (Innovative Approaches for Sustainability in the Production, Promotion, and Utilization of Pulses)
–  2nd Prize (An international seminar on diet called ‘Ribaksha’ which translates to “every grain counts.”)


Dt. Anjali has also actively participated in many health-related programs
such as the “Patient Education Program, 2015” at Care Hospitals (Hyderabad), the Dietitians Academia Meet, 2018 (Hyderabad), and Food Safety Challenges in Nutrition Transition (AFSTI, Hyderabad Chapter).