A nutritionally adequate diet should be consumed through a wide choice of food. The right food-mix not only adds spice to our lives but is also the essence of nutrition and health. Nutrients that we obtain through food have a vital effect on our physical growth and development, as well as maintenance of normal body functioning.
Requirements of essential nutrients vary with age, gender, physiology, and physical activity. Dietary intake lesser or in excess of the body’s requirements can lead to undernutrition or overnutrition. Eating too little or too much, at any age, can lead to undesirable consequences.
A balanced diet that provides all the nutrients in the required amount and proportions would be something like 50% – 60% of total calories from carbohydrates, 10% – 15% from protein, and 20% – 30% from fat.
In addition, a balanced diet should provide other non-nutrients such as dietary fiber and antioxidants for their obvious health benefits. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, beta carotene, riboflavin, and Vitamin E protect the human body from infections.
Given below are sources of the various nutrients:
- Carbohydrates and fiber are provided by whole grains, cereals, and millets.
- Protein is found in whole pulses, split pulses (dal), nuts, egg-white, flesh (poultry, meat, fish), milk, and milk products.
- Fat is found in edible oil, ghee, butter, nuts, egg yolk, flesh (poultry, meat, fish), milk, and milk products.
- Milk and milk products essentially provide calcium, Vitamin D, fat, and protein to the body.
- Fruits and vegetables provide us with antioxidants, fiber, all the vitamins (fat-soluble and water-soluble), and minerals.
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Dt. Anjali Khandale (M.Sc., Nutrition & Dietetics)
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